They are from different perspectives of their styles, and you can and can not discuss other things. Soon, I'm going to take you on a virtual tour! Put it together, my precious readers, starting from revealed to start, and not celebrity ponytail hairstyles can bring. In general, all African-American women, their hair or for a long time all media, can be decided by any of them. What about those whose Hair is short? I know that some of you would say that these women makes the pony no, certainly not you can sport? Let me tell you, you are definitely wrong and there is a magic solution in the presence of these ladies. A ponytail is a hairstyle in which a few, that moved most or all of the hair on the head face, collected and on the back of the head with a loop of hair, clip or similar device backed up and allowed at this time. Gets its name from its resemblance to the tail open a horse or pony. Ponytails are most commonly used in the center of the back of the head or as the base of the neck. Depending on the mode can be used (applies the sometimes formal) also on the side of the head which ear or at the top of the head (for the hair to fall, back or side of the head) is worn.